Nip Tuck

Nip/Tuck’s Most Over-the-Top Moments

4. Manya Mabika’s Toe – In Season Two, Aisha Tyler made an appearance as Somali supermodel, Manya Mabika. She has it all. Well, except for a clitoris. She was the victim of female circumcision as a child, and this left her unable to ever experience orgasm. You’d think this would be an interesting look into barbaric customs in third-world patriarchies, but only if you’d never seen Nip/Tuck before. First off, and I remain unconvinced that they did actual research in this, they decide to make a functioning clitoris out of a piece of her big toe. And then, even though Sean’s the better surgeon, Christian decides he’ll take the lead on this one, due to his decades of experience. Yes, he actually says “If I build it, she will come”. Next, post-surgery, she offers to let Christian give the toe a test drive, only he doesn’t achieve the desired effect. It’s only when anesthesiologist Liz introduces Manya to the joys of self-pleasure…. You know what? There are days when I’m glad that my mother doesn’t read this site.

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