Nip Tuck

Nip/Tuck’s Most Over-the-Top Moments

1. Matt McNamara: Mime Bandit! – You know, every character has fans. No matter how loathsome or poorly-realized they are, somebody loves them. Unless they are Matt McNamara. Nobody loves him, and they never will. For a lot of Nip/Tuck fans, the moment in Season Three when a gang of homosexuals beat Matt to a pulp and then pee on him is a favorite moment. But he finally became entertaining in Season Seven when, in the most batshit insane plotting ever, he became a Mime Bandit. By this I mean that he would walk into stores and mime robbing them, then pull a gun and actually rob them. And this went on for several episodes! And it was awesome! When he was finally arrested, as a mime bandit would eventually be, he was, well, traumatized by his cellmate. And in the greatest “Screw you” in TV history, Christian offered to help him. Not to pull strings to get him released or even transferred. No, he slipped Matt some prescription drugs, that when added to his cellmate’s food would leave him impotent. That’s right, Christian’s fatherly instincts led him to make it more difficult for his son’s cellmate to rape him.

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