Nip Tuck

Nip/Tuck’s Most Over-the-Top Moments

6. The Carver – Most of Season Three revolved around a masked serial rapist who mutilated his beautiful victims, and left the calling card “Beauty is a curse on the world”. McNamara/Troy offered pro bono reconstructive surgery to his victims, angering the Carver further. He started killing his victims and attacked both doctors, scarring Sean and raping Christian. With the end of the season, we learned that the Carver was (SPOILER WARNING!) Quentin Costa, a one-time partner at their office. What pushed this into sheer, over-the-top madness is that Quentin was born without a penis. He’s smooth like a Ken doll. Which means that a strap-on was involved, and that is not something I ever thought I’d have to type. Also, he was sexually obsessed with his sister, who was a police detective that helped him evade capture. This is a thing that happened on TV, people.

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