Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska–“Salmon Run”

The remainder of the hour focuses on the larger Palin family, including Todd’s grandmother Lena, who is an Eskimo, and his cousin Ina’s family, who are also keeping many Eskimo traditions alive by spending their summer in a small fishing village and processing fish the old fashioned way to store for the coming winter. Ina has seven children, including one with Down’s syndrome, like Sarah and Todd’s little Trig.  The scene where Sarah meets this boy, Matthew, is sweet, and I’ll admit to getting choked up when Sarah did, thinking that this is a glimpse into Trig’s future.  There’s also a cute little scene of Todd playing with Trig, who is just darling.  I’ve never met a child with Down’s syndrome who isn’t, frankly.  If there’s nothing else you agree with Sarah Palin about, you have to appreciate the fact that she approaches raising her special needs child with an amazing attitude, and I don’t doubt her for a second when she calls him a blessing.

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