Sarah Palin's Alaska

Sarah Palin’s Alaska–“Salmon Run”

We also get some adorable shots of Tripp (these names, I swear!) who may have a famewhore for a dad, but at least the guy contributed only his best physical attributes to the kid.  He’s insanely cute.  Bristol is MIA for the episode, without much explanation as to why, but I think the 4th of July was a little early for her to have been in dance training already.

It’s Willow’s sweet 16 and, as we’ve come to learn about this family, the way they like to party is by gutting fish!  Willow, for her part, seems perfectly happy to spend her birthday chopping off fish heads and being covered in their blood. Sarah’s delighted because she’d rather have her doing that than be “texting her buddies and thinking she needs to be all dolled up and goin’ out partyin’.”  She’s happy that Willow’s in the woods, “processing a resource with her great grandma.”

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