
Swingtown Finale: Take it to the Limit (Sep 12)

Rick and BJ are hanging out with he lobsters BJ has rescued when Sam and Lisa show up at the window.  Lisa offers to let Rick “french (her) goodbye”, and he jumps up and out the window.  I guess he likes girls, at least for now. Sam looks at the lobsters and says BJ can’t save everything.  He still wants to try.  Sam’s emotional, and gives BJ her dad’s ring.  He makes her promise to come back for it.  She kisses him.  All in all, a good scene.

Tom is starting the, um, key ceremony?  Is that what you’d call it?  Well, the women are selecting the men’s car keys from a fish bowl and going home with them.  Ah, a simpler time.  Bruce attempts to clasp Susan’s hand, and she yanks it away and stomps off down to beach.  He follows.  She confronts him about Melinda, he pulls the whole, “but we just talked” card, and it turns out Susan’s just way more pissed at the fact that he lied than anything else.  Bruce accuses Susan of starting this all by “opening the door to our bedroom”.  She fires back about him wanting the new house, new job and all the material things that come along.  He says she wanted it to, which she denies.  When Bruce goes on to say “You’re no Janet, and I’m certainly no Roger”, two of the people Susan adores the most for totally different reasons, she’s done.  She marches up to the bowl, grabs a set of keys and leaves with “Tim”.  Bruce looks exhausted.

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