In our final visit with BJ and Rick, they’re on the roof trying to maintain CB contact with Sam. As she fades away, BJ and Rick notice Gayle’s definition of “six weeks” is actually more akin to “six hours” because she’s back from rehab and coke whorin’ it up with two guys. Rick tells BJ he’s sorry. Another Thompson who’s grown emotionally this summer!
Lori arrives at Doug’s only to find Liz, who’s bearing a letter. She says Doug’s gone, but was “pretty ripped up before he left.” Well, good for him for stepping out of the love haze long enough to realize taking Lori to South America would have not only been a bad idea, but likely resulted in criminal charges. He left her a letter telling her that he loves her, but not to rush this last year of school and living at home. He left her the keys to the apartment, saying she already has the “keys to (his) heart”. She just curls up on the bed and cries.