
Swingtown Finale: Take it to the Limit (Sep 12)

Meanwhile, across the street, Susan is taking the winter clothes out of mothballs, which Bruce thinks is premature.  Susan says, “one day it’s warm and sunny, next thing you know you’re freezing to death.”  She walks away from him, icily asking when he got home last night.  When he asks for a ride to the train station, she tosses him the keys and reminds him not to forget his briefcase. Yeah, that just happened.  Damn, Susan is pissed!  Then she shoots daggers at him with her eyes and stomps off.  Bruce is flabbergasted.

This segues to Janet typing up a response to a “Dear Trudy” letter while on the phone with Henry.  Her reply is, of course, pretty cut and dried regarding someone’s philandering spouse.  Roger comes in and can’t believe she’s on the same phone call as before he went in the shower.  She hangs up and tells Roger he has nothing to be jealous of there. Roger says he’s not, mostly because he probably doesn’t care at this point.  He finally tells Janet about getting the job and she’s really proud of him.  Then he drops the bomb about Cincinnati and her face falls.

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