
Swingtown Finale: Take it to the Limit (Sep 12)

As BJ, Rick, Sam and Lisa look through her junk-filled garage for her suitcases, her mom and Aunt Maggie (Lisa’s mother) pull up.  There is a ridiculous amount of feathered hair in this scene.  Seems Gayle will be going to a place called “Serenity Shores” for six weeks, and that Maggie spent some time there herself.  Gayle screams ” I hate you Maggie!” and storms inside like a petulant child.  Poor, damaged Sam follows her, as does Maggie.  Lisa just looks tired of this crap.

Susan’s taken the train into the city, expecting to find Bruce at the bar.  She only finds Melinda, and once they’re settled with drinks they won’t touch, she asks Melinda if she’s having an affair with her husband, and if she’s using him to get ahead.  Melinda says they haven’t slept together (she leaves out the “yet”), but that she and Bruce are a lot alike, and that they have a “connection”.  Oh, no, don’t go all Bachelor on me!  Susan asks if Melinda loves Bruce.  She says no, and I believe her. Susan chides her for getting involved, to what ever degree she is, with a married man.  Melinda keeps her cool and says Bruce told her that Susan doesn’t “get him” lately.  Susan is more confused and frustrated then ever, but keeps it together and leaves Melinda to stew.

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