
Swingtown: Pilot (Jun 12)

At the Cougar Den, some dude rolls a joint and tells Trina how lucky Tom is to have her.   Trina interrupts him to welcome Susan and Bruce.  Janet is in the background, already about to explode.  Tom offers Harvey Wallbangers.  It’s a drink, although you can be forgiven for thinking otherwise, given the context. The guys head to the bar, while Trina offers the ladies a tour.  I’m not sure what Janet is afraid she’ll find (not that she’s wrong) but she stays back. 

Back on the set of Dazed and Confused, Lori is dumping her stoner boyfriend by way of skinny dipping. I’m not sure of the logic, especially since one assumes she will need a ride home.  But, good for you Lori!

And now we get a name for crazy neighbor lady: Gayle Saxton.  She greets Susan with a friendly, “Do you have any coke?”  and then wanders off.  Trina uses Gayle’s uptight husband to segue into the whole open marriage topic, which flusters Susan.  Trina explains how it’s the “opposite of cheating” since there’s no sneaking around or lying, just a “whole other level of intimacy” and “incredible sex”.  Susan says she and Bruce married so young that they missed the whole counter culture era.  Trina says the “train’s still boarding”.  She also talks Susan into a Quaalude to take the edge off.  She’s good, people.

Back to our young boys, Rick and BJ, who’ve just seen The Omen and are debating if their fathers would kill them if they were possessed.  Oh, that age old conundrum!  Out of nowhere, here comes Betsy and her posse to kick Rick’s ass for blabbing around about their supposed hot make out sessions. BJ tries to help, but Big Betsy levels him, and draws blood on Rick.  When she and her girls take off, BJ tries to help Rick up, but he’s so embarrassed he orders BJ to leave, which he does.  So is Rick just a typical young guy who lied about a conquest, or is he trying too hard to stay in the closet?  Hopefully, we’ll get some more hints soon.

Out on the patio, Joint Dude from before is now giving Bruce the 411 on where to get all the hot swingin’ chicks while Bruce puffs away.  Janet is appalled at what she overhears and stomps off to find Susan while Roger’s eyes look longingly at the cool guys he’s not allowed to hang out with.  Joint Dude announces he’s heading to the basement.  Susan, now getting pretty toasty, shows up and watches the fireworks with Roger.  You can tell they kind of dig each other, but would never do anything about it…or would they?
Janet’s in the house now, and spots Trina.  She asks after Susan, so Trina sends her to the basement.  That little minx!  Bruce sees Susan and Roger, the latter of whom steps away to allow Bruce to put him arms around his wife.  They giggle about being stoned and compare notes on what Trina and Tom have been suggesting.  Well, I guess they won’t be that much of a challenge after all!

And here’s Janet, finding the basement, which looks like a scene from Caligula. Her head almost pops right off.  She storms out, and tells Roger that they are leaving, these people are sick!  Hey, lady, your sick is someone else’s damn good time, OK?  Chill.  Bruce and Susan blissfully say they are staying. Roger clearly wished he’d gotten permission to carry his own dick around for the night, but since it’s in his wife’s purse, he has to leave with her.

At Casa Miller, BJ arrives home and pulls off his shirt.  Sami Squatter is waiting and demands her ring, which apparently is her absent father’s.  She’s one screwed up kid.  Weird scene.

Things have calmed down a bit over at the Cougar Den and Tom puts “Dream Weaver” on the record player.  They totally zoom in on him dropping the needle down, which is so dated and hilarious.  He offers drinks all around, while Bruce massages Susan’s feet.  Tom admires her soft hands.  Trina eyes Bruce like Wile E. Coyote used to look at Road Runner in the cartoons and picture him as a steak.  After some furtive glances and chaste touching (we’re still on broadcast after all) the action moves to the bedroom.

Elsewhere, Janet scrubs the bejesus out of her poor oven.  Roger tries to get her to come to bed, but she says she can’t, since they live in a pigsty!  At that moment, a sobbing Rick has made it home, and falls beaten and bruised into his father’s arms.  Aw, poor kid.  At least Rog seems like a cool dad.  The music wraps over BJ watching Sami bike down the dark street.

The next morning, “I Can See Clearly Now” (every music cue is insanely literal so far) takes us to the Deckers, who makes smoothies and swim laps; Janet and Roger, who sit down to a hearty breakfast with Rick in the avocado-colored Kitchen of Repression; We finally land on Bruce and Susan, all sweaty, giggly and post-coital.  As Bruce gets up to head for a shower (which I’m kind of hoping isn’t his first one since last night), Susan’s face goes from totally happy to “Oh, shit” in a heartbeat.  And, fade to neon green.  See you next time, groovy guys and gals!

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