
Damages 101 – Comedians Get Creepy

Best Line: (To Patty) “(My father) never liked you.  He always thought your cases had a stink to them.”

Darrell Hammond – You know how you can tell when a character is a total badass?  When they don’t even have a real name.  In Season Two, SNL impressionist Hammond played “The Deacon”.  And The Deacon is as far as you can get from his Bill Clinton impression – this corporate fixer is dead-eyed and reptilian.  He’s completely emotionless, whether he’s sitting in on a meeting or calmly ordering a prison hit.  I can’t stress how different this role is from anything you’ve ever seen Darrell Hammond do before.  I kept expecting him to bust out the Alex Trebek impression, but that doesn’t happen.  He’s a great example of one of Damages’ best tricks – you want to like people who are famous for being funny on TV, and when they turn out to be completely corrupt or homicidal, it’s that much more upsetting.  A really amazing and unexpected performance.

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