
Glee: What I Love, What I Hate (Nov 23)

First, the things I love: Jane Lynch–This last episode, “Ballad” had no Jane Lynch.  I still enjoyed it, mind you, but there was a definite void in the hour without our beloved Sue Sylvester.  This character has quickly become one of the best on television.  She’s mean, inappropriate and hilarious.  Two weeks ago, however, we found out that Sue does have a soul, when we met her older sister, Jean, a woman with Downs Syndrome, whom Sue visits in an assisted living facility.  The humanity Lynch imbued in her character in that single scene was unreal.  I’m not entirely sure what it all means for the long term development of Sue, but it opens some doors into this lady’s psyche.  Maybe she’s so angry because of what her sister’s had to endure?

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