
Glee: What I Love, What I Hate (Nov 23)

Artie–While we haven’t explored wheelchair-bound Artie quite as deeply as Kurt just yet, the recent episode entitled “Wheels” did a good job of giving us some backstory on how Artie ended up in his chair as well as establishing his relationship with Tina.  Even though the episode ended with Artie feeling betrayed by Tina’s revelation that she faked her stutter, I don’t doubt they’ll drift back together eventually.

Puck & Quinn’s Chemistry–When Puck and Quinn interact, the sexual tension is palpable.  The ice princess melts and you can see these two have a connection, no matter how much she wants to deny it.  Their food fight scene was a ball as was the hallway meeting when he offered her money for her baby expenses.  I predict a happy ending at some point.

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