
Glee: What I Love, What I Hate (Nov 23)

How Dumb Will & Finn Are–I like both of these guys, really I do, but they are both so unbelievably dim at times.  For Finn, it’s quite often, and it can be rather annoying.  Will’s stupidity is primarily reserved for his inability to suss out that his conniving wife is not even a little bit pregnant.  And this is a big issue for me.  The fact that he tries to play dumb regarding Emma is more about him trying to deny his own obvious feelings, so I can forgive him on that score.

The Way Quinn Treats Finn–I understand that she’s picked Finn to name as her baby daddy because she thought Puck was a “Lima Loser” and Finn was the quarterback dumb enough to be guilted into anything, but she treats him like crap.  Even though she has great moments (see: Puck), Quinn comes off as a royal bee-yotch when she constantly harps on Finn to get a job.  I mean, he may not know that’s not his kid, but she does, and she has no right to be so obnoxious.  I get that she’s a confused teenager, but this part of her personality makes it hard to sympathize with her plight.

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