The Best Shows on TV

Moments of Joy: The Ballad of Princess Tinyfeet

(By the way:  House tries to figure out why there have been multiple cases of schizophrenia at an Ohio high school, with a number of students and faculty unable to tell the difference between reality and fantasy.  But on the Glee episode, the kids are freaked out by the weird doctor who keeps asking them insulting questions.  It ends with House playing the piano to accompany a big perfomance of Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” after diagnosing a toxic mold in the school’s plumbing that’s affecting their perceptions of reality.  Hey FOX!  Call me!)

MYNDI: I kind of feel like you covered it,  EJ, but I’ll try to add my two cents anyway.  When I first saw this question I was thinking less about crossovers and more about pilots that were shot using an existing show as a framework.  These used to be done constantly, and the results were often truly horrible.  Like, Theo would go to play basketball at the rece center on The Cosby Show and that would awkwardly segue into 22 minutes all about the director of the center and his ragtag bunch of workers and kids.

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