Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation–Season 2’s Top 10 Episodes

8. SweetumsI think the entire government should be privatized. Chuck E. Cheese could run the parks. Everything operated by tokens. Drop in a token, go on the swing set. Drop in another token, take a walk. Drop in a token, look at a duck.–Ron Swanson

This episode introduced us to Pawnee’s very own Big Bad, a candy company called Sweetums.  They are pitching the Parks Department for a concessions contract, and they have some awesome marketing, particularly a commercial featuring the owner’s family in vests.  We also learn that Ron can use power tools while drunk.  Sweetums’ “energy bar” turns out to be loaded with junk, but their grip on the citizens of Pawnee is too strong to be thwarted by Leslie and Ann.  For now.  We also get the subplot of Tom moving out of Wendy’s house, which he somehow gets the whole gang to help with, managing to barely lift a finger himself or get anyone but himself food. 9.  Stakeout “I want to be President someday, so I have not smoked marijuana.  I ate a brownie once.  At a party in college.  It was kind of indescribable, really.  I felt like I was floating.  It turns out that there wasn’t any marijuana in it, it was just a insanely good brownie.” — Leslie Knope

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