Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation–Season 2’s Top 10 Episodes

10. Galentine’s Day-–My problem is I don’t know how to tell if we’re doing good, because when you play a rock show, it’s really easy to know if you’re doing great because chicks will flash their boobs at you. When you’re up on stage. And you’re like, “That musta sounded pretty good.” But I can’t, if that happens here my eyes will fall out of my head and I’ll die.–Andy Dwyer

Leslie typically celebrates Valentine’s Day by having breakfast with the girls, including her mother Marlene, whom Leslie always makes tell the story of her first love.  This year, she is dating Justin (Justin Theroux), and he is all about helping her find her mother’s long lost boyfriend, a man named Frank (played brilliantly by John Laroquette).  Turns out Frank’s free to trek to Pawnee for a reunion, as he’s basically an unemployed loser.  Leslie realizes this is a bad idea, but Justin keeps pushing, and the two break up just as Frank is making a giant ass of himself in front of Marlene.  Things also start to look murky here for Ann and Mark, who gives very generic gifts.  But, Andy officially has a fan in April, who dumps her gay boyfriends at the Senior Center dance.  As a bonus, we get a Duke Silver callback, which is always welcome.

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