Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation–Season 2’s Top 10 Episodes

Did you know that Nick Offerman is married to special guest Megan Mullaly in real life?  Because that makes this already great episode so much funnier.  She plays one of Ron’s two ex-wives (both of whom are named Tammy), the library director.  The library makes a claim to Lot 48, the same lot that Leslie is trying turn into a park.  Despite the library being made up of the worst people in the world (according to Ron), Leslie makes friends with Tammy and tries to help her clear things up with Ron.  What follows is some of the funniest hostility you’ll ever see mixed with the funniest love scenes you’ll ever see.  Words can’t do justice to the amazing physical comedy in this episode.  “Ron and Tammy” also gives Andy new job as a shoeshine man, which gave us some glorious moments over the season. 5.  Woman of the Year “Be proud of yourself.  You deserve an award.  Not this one, obviously.  But some other one.  Some other lesser award.” — Ron Swanson

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