Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation–Season 2’s Top 10 Episodes

6. Hunting TripWhen you’re out with the boys you’ve gotta be ready for a good pantsing. That’s why I have suspenders that connect my bra to my jeans.–Leslie Knope

This one played out like an episode of Clue, if Clue had ever been a TV show set in the wilds of Indiana.  Leslie forces her way into joining Ron and the guys on a hunting trip, schlepping Ann, Donna and Tom (hee!) with her.  Things go awry when someone actually shoots Ron in the back of the head.  Leslie takes the blame, offering a long string of goofy excuses to the police even, but we ultimately learn it was Tom.  Ron on pain meds is comedy gold (“When I look at my palm I see a lady’s mouth French kissing a dog. Is that normal?”), as is Leslie in full hunting regalia.  Back at the office, we get April holding down the fort by staying on hold for most of the episode.  That is, when she’s not beginning what will become a season-long flirtation with Andy. 7. Freddy Spaghetti”Tom: Is that bacon on your turkey leg?  Ron: They call it a Swanson.”

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