The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Awesomesauce!

Lights Out – That’s right, it’s time for the Lights Out Moment of Crushing Despair.  This week, Lights was recovering from his accidental stabbing.  We learned that he lied about the incident to protect his brother, but everybody assumes that he’s actually lying to protect his former trainer, Ed Romeo.  An unethical doctor put Lights on some performance-enhancing drugs that aren’t exactly legal to speed up his recovery, and then we found out that Lights’ sister has been dating Hal Brennan, the weirdly racist manager who’s been skeeving up the joint.  But it got worse.

Lights got into a street fight with his upcoming opponent Death Row Reynolds.  Afterwards, beaten bloody, he went to his wife’s graduation ceremony.  The sheer discomfort of seeing the man with his face torn to ground beef putting on a suit and trying to socialize with the medical school graduates was pretty awful, but the worst was the way his daughters looked at him.  They know that he suffers from pugilistic dementia, and any blow to the head could be the one that ends it all, and their fear and sorrow when they laid eyes on him absolutely broke our hearts.  Lights Out is, week to week, one of the best television shows running right now.  But damn, it tears us up!

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