The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Awesomesauce!

Community — This episode gave us an accidental kidnapping, and Chang’s hilarious attempt to act like a father.  For the record, this includes smoking a pipe, putting aluminium siding on the pool table, and getting very excited about building a birdhouse.  But this time out, Britta stole the show.  When she starts dating Troy and Abed’s new friend (from the Balkans), they’re worried that she’ll somehow ruin him.  She tries her best, but when she learns that he’s a war criminal who wishes he could go back to his life of mass murder, she can’t let that slide.  Watching her be ridiculously awkward in an attempt to turn Troy and Abed against him was really great, and her attempt to sing what she thought was a Britney Spears song should launch a thousand ringtones.

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