The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Awesomesauce!

Parks & Recreation–“There are two things I know about white people.  They like Matchbox 20 and they are terrified of curses.” –Chief of the Wamapoke Indian Tribe

Turns out the Harvest Festival is set to be held on an ancient Wamapoke Indian burial site, which famed news anchor Perd Hapley points out is just like Poltergeist!  When Leslie refuses to move the festivities, the Chief puts a curse on the event.  TV Reporter Joan Calamezzo overhears Ben and Leslie discussing this and before you know it, “Curse Watch” is all over the news.

In the meantime, Tom loses Li’l Sebastian, a mini horse who appeared at the last Harvest Festival in the 80s and is revered by all of Pawnee, even Ron.  His blurred out horse erection is, um, impressive.  Also,  April tells Andy she loves him and response is “Awesomesauce!”

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