The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy – “Bird Internet”

Meanwhile, the kids wanted to get in on the art action, so Louise commissioned Tina and Gene to paint “crap” that she could sell to the tourists.  (Gene was also willing to lose an ear, if necessary.)  Since they’re not exactly well adjusted, Tina ended up painting a nude of the family dentist, while Gene came up with “a ninja robot fighting a vampire tape recorder at Stonehenge” (a tableau that included his friend Ken, a 28-year-old albino who performs improvised hip-hop).  Louise ended up getting neighborhood kids to paint landscapes and boats for the tourists, which meant that we got to see Louise as a demented taskmaster, and that’s always great.  This was really a fantastic episode, with a hilarious and original plot and so many laugh-out-loud one-liners.  It was one of the best TV shows we saw all week – you really should check it out!

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