The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Every Kind of Mustard

The Sports Show — Norm MacDonald premiered his new Comedy Central series, The Sports Show, and we are so happy to have him back on TV.  Essentially, it’s a half-hour, sports focused Weekend Update.  You don’t have to be an expert to get the jokes, though.  Norm’s weird absurdity shines through, even when he’s talking about basketball players you’ve never heard of.  There was a very funny video where Norm went undercover as the Clippers’ Blake Griffin (actually, it was just Griffin with Norm’s dubbed voice), an analysis of Tiger Woods in a segment titled “What the H?”, and he wrapped up the show with “Garbage Time”, in which he tries to get through as many one-liners as possible in 90 seconds.  (Our favorites – “After reading all these Yogi Berra quotes, I’m starting to think the guy was retarded” and “President Obama is a phenomenal basketball player for a President of the United States.  But I think he’s just mediocre for a Black guy.”)  Most importantly, Norm took on the biggest blight on the world of sports today – Michael Jordan’s Hitler mustache.  Even if you’re not a sports fan, Sports Show will crack you up.

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