The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Every Kind of Mustard

The Office – We’re down to Steve Carell’s final episodes, and this week introduced his replacement (for now) – Deangelo Vickers, played by none other than Will Ferrell.  That’s right, it was a mini-Anchorman reunion.  We’re big fans of Will, and he was fantastic here.  He and Michael clicked immediately, as they proved to both be sort of dopey in the same way.  But gradually, Deangelo revealed himself to have a very different vibe than Michael Scott.  He proclaimed Andy “the funny guy” and would occasionally demand that he do something funny. (Andy: “I guess this is my life now.”)  But the only thing that really made  Deangelo laugh was when Andy hurt himself.  And he really didn’t want to hear about Jim and Pam’s baby.  (“That baby could star in a show called Babies I Don’t Care About.”)  He even brought in a barber to give him a straight razor shave right there in the office.  Not to be outdone, Michael demanded that Erin shave him, and that turned into one of the best physical bits this show has seen in years.  (“Please don’t shave my lips.”)  Erin was also the focus of a hilarious scene in which Michael and Deangelo argued about what she should say when she answers the phone.  She ended up answering with a long pause and an “I’m so sorry” before hanging up.  It’s great to see a more malicious Will Ferrell than we’ve seen before, and we loved seeing the Dunder Mifflinites trying to impress him.  (Darryl in a cowboy hat?  Comedy gold!)  We’re still going to be sad when Steve Carell leaves, but we’re glad Will Ferrell is there to ease the pain.

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