The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Every Kind of Mustard

Survivor–While the boots this week were predictable (Iraq war veteran Mike and supposedly brilliant strategist/prosecutor David were tossed by the Ometepe steamroller) and Rob is so totally in control, we are starting to see why keeping Phillip around may be the smartest thing The Robfather has done this season, at least so far.  He’s got all his loyal minions, and an attack dog in Grant (who may be quietly plotting his demise; the jury’s still out on that one), but Phillip is his own sort of wacky Colonel Klink to boot!  His ramblings take some of the heat off Rob, even though everyone knows he’s in charge, and they’re entertaining as hell, too.  Sure, they make almost no sense, but that’s just part of the charm.  Phillip has turned Survivor into a bit of a sitcom this season, and we’re actually getting a kick out of it.  Plus, if he does make it all the way to the final three, he could get some votes, from people who won’t believe they got beat by a bona fide crazy person and have to tip their hat.  But we really want to see Rob pull this one out.  Amber, his daughters, and the entire ragtag army of stuffed animals at home on his bed will be so proud of him!

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