The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Every Kind of Mustard

As you know, House doesn’t like not having the answers, and Thirteen plays it so close to the vest that House doesn’t know her first name.  Watching these two try to bluff and outwit one another was really entertaining, especially once we knew that she killed a man.  While some of their scenes were really funny, it also gave us one of the more devastating moments of the season.  When Thirteen finally came clear about her crime (SPOILER) – euthanizing her dying brother who suffered from the same degenerative disease that she does, House’s reaction is… not to react.  He just watches her mutely, not registering any outward emotion.  She’s desperate for any kind of reaction, and House, on his best days, doesn’t know how to comfort somebody.  Ever since the break-up, House has been spiraling into depression, and this episode, while very funny, pointed to some dark times for House.

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