The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Every Kind of Mustard

Bob’s Burgers – This week’s episode brought back Bob’s nemesis, Jimmy Pesto.  And it was fantastic.  Jimmy wanted to take over Bob’s lease so he could turn it into a gift shop, and since Bob’s terrible about paying his rent on time, landlord Mr. Fischoder (Kevin Kline, in his funniest role since A Fish Called Wanda) was pretty amenable to the idea.  That left Bob and family scrambling to save the restaurant.

This was an especially funny episode – we’re talking “Art Crawl” level here.  And since we talk about Bob’s Burgers a lot here, it’s just going to be easier to list some of our favorite jokes. –Eccentric Mr. Fischoder is “one white cat away from being a supervillain.” –Gene’s conviction that the Heimlich Maneuver involves punching the victim in the crotch. –Jimmy Pesto’s weird kids, Andy and Ollie (voiced by Laura and Sarah Silverman!) – they’re just so excited to be on the show. –Bob and Linda leave the restaurant, telling the kids to keep an eye on the place.  In quick succession, each kid pushes the responsibility off on the next one, until Tina finally says “Restaurant, we both know you can handle this.  Call me if you need anything.  I love you.” –Louise dabbled in potato-based voodoo.  It was amazing how easy it was for her to get locks of people’s hair. –Linda slipped up and called Jimmy Pesto “handsome”, and her attempts to downplay it eventually led to her telling Bob, “When I die, I want you to throw my ashes in Tom Selleck’s face”. –In the above exchange, there’s a bit where Bob has to stop what he’s saying to laugh at Linda’s line.  Either H. Jon Benjamin is an even better voice actor than we think, or he was actually cracking up in the voice booth.  Either way, it made the whole thing even funnier. –If we could find a place that made Bob’s special burgers from this episode, we would happily give them all our money. –And finally, “Punch him in his handsome groin!”  Hee!

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