The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: Good Thing I Brought My Axe-Cane!

Now, we don’t usually find joy in the sorrow of others, but we’ve been stuck watching Russell and his stupid hat and leprous armpits for far too long.  So when Russell cried at his elimination, we took a certain shameful pleasure in watching the bully who couldn’t take a dose of his own medicine.  Even better, at one point he wept into his stupid hat.  And now we don’t have to watch him be nasty and boring until the reunion show, when he will undoubtedly claim to be the greatest mastermind ever to play the game.  Again.

Traffic Light–It’s a bummer that this show doesn’t get better ratings, because it’s a sweet and simple relationship comedy that deserves a chance.  Our favorite plot this week had to be relationship-challenged Ethan’s ongoing bromance with his upstairs neighbor Phil, with whom he communicates through the vents in their building, but has never met.  His girlfriend thinks it’s more than a bit strange that he has such a great connection with Phil and doesn’t want to meet him, and she’s right.  But we also kind of like that Phil is like the Carlton the Doorman of the 21st Century.  Google it, kids.

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  1. Okay, I loved Raising hope this week. I thought the Brother Husbands was classic. I just posted a blog about that before reading this.

    Also I am going to have check out Justified on Fx.

    Im starting to love the weekend review

  2. Thank you! And that’s a nice Raising Hope write-up on your blog! That wasn’t a show I expected to be as good as it is, and I just love it every week.

    Thanks for reading – based on your blog, it looks like we enjoy a lot of the same shows. We’re TV Buddies!

  3. Pingback: Best TV Shows on TV, Good Thing I Brought My Axe-Cane | Spunkybean | Web Tv Shows

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