The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV: TV’s Moments of Joy “It’s Friday! Friday!”

This really was one of the best shows on TV, and the finale was one of the best hours I’ve seen all year.  It was absolutely stunning and devastating.

Archer — This week’s episode brought the ISIS crew to Monaco, where Sterling picked up the one vice he didn’t have yet – gambling.  Unfortunately, he ended up playing a game he didn’t understand and gambling with the $4 million in bearer bonds that he was supposed to use to purchase a mysterious disc from his contact.  Even more unfortunately, all of that money came from the ISIS 401(K) fund.  As anybody who’s been watching Archer knows, pandemonium ensued.  Archer, Lana, and Ray executed a double-cross to steal the disc and get the money back, a task that involved a shootout, a stolen Chanel suit, and a car chase with Formula One cars and a helicopter.  It was hilarious and awesome.  (Ray:  “My car is suddenly slowing down for no reason.  Maybe it’s out of… carburetor.”)  Meanwhile, the rest of ISIS decided to sell off company assets (including bulletproof dinner jackets and rocket launchers) to local hoodlums to recoup their retirement funds.  There was a great running gag about guy named Benoit, and a fantastic look at Archer’s childhood – Archer dressed as Charlie Chaplin, losing all of his Halloween candy (in a game of blackjack) to his mother, who was dressed as Elvira and drinking gin.  That’s what happens when you hit on seventeen, kid.

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