The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: The Burn Unit

She also wonders, and I quote, “Is the ugly Trump boy from the same baby-mama as the two attractive ones?  If so, what the heck happened there?”

Ha!  Poor Eric Trump!  Also, in my circle, it’s controversial to call Don Jr. “attractive”, but that’s neither here nor there.  Anyway, all of his adult children have the same mother, Ivana.  It’s weird, because they all seem to have the Trump genes to a different extent – Don Jr. looks a heck of a lot like his dad as a young man.  Ivanka doesn’t look like him at all, though.  There’s no Trump influence there, and I wonder if Donald spent the first years of her life looking at the household help suspiciously.  Then there’s poor Eric, who sort of looks like those inbred children of royalty.  Like, he’s got so many Trump genes that you’d have to think his parents were related somehow.  It’s kind of depressing to think too much about Eric – Don Jr. was always going to be the heir, you just know Ivanka was pretty and poised from Day One, and that just kind of left Eric as “the other one”.  I have to assume he was thus raised in the basement, and his only friend was made out of twine and newspapers.

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