The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: The Burn Unit

Second, “Name your favorite Hellcats character and why.  (We assume you love Marti’s law professor because he tried to outsmart them with the Kobayashi Maru thing from the September 22 episode.)”

Before I can even answer, let’s give it up for Larry, the only person in America who can combine Hellcats and Star Trek without even breaking a sweat.  And he makes an excellent case for the prof.  I almost picked Bill Marsh, because he was the Chief on Battlestar Galactica, and I still think he’s a Cylon.  It may be too easy to pick Marti, but she’s spunky and she sang the hell out of some Rolling Stones songs in the wedding episode.  But I think I have to go with Gail O’Grady’s Wanda.  Now that they’ve gotten past the whole thing where she’s an embarrassment to Marti, she just gets to show up and be hilarious.  “Marti got a man released from prison, and she’s doing something different with her hair.”  Hee!  I love that she’s basically a walking plot complication – she’s there to say something inappropriate or mistake one person for another.  You know how Hurley spent the first season of LOST smoothing things over?  Wanda is the exact opposite of Hurley, but she tries so hard.

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