The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: The Burn Unit

What made us happy this week?

Justified – Oh man, this show has just been on a role lately.  We caught up this week, and while this week’s episode was fantastic, with Raylan having to team up with his lowlife father while the tension with the Bennett family just keeps building, last week’s episode was a triumph.  It wrapped up a two-parter in which Winona lifted some hundred-dollar bills that had been stored in evidence for decades.  In the first part, things went about as wrong as they could when her trip to the bank to deposit the money coincided with a bank robbery.  And somehow, in part two, things got even worse.  Winona didn’t realize that the bills in question not only had their serial numbers recorded, but they were the outdated, easy to counterfeit bills.  That meant any attempt to spend the money triggered all sorts of red flags, and Raylan had to help her cover her theft.  It was a great episode with all sorts of twists coming between Raylan and the money.  And just when he was moments away from getting his hands on the money so he could return it, a bomb threat evacuated the courthouse and had him on the streets looking for a sniper while the bomb squad searched the building, including any suspicious looking bags.  In the end, it worked out, but Raylan had to compromise himself in a way that was obviously very painful for him.  And Art knows something’s wrong, which is creating tension, and this is the last thing Raylan needs with the whole Bennett situation blowing up.  All this, and a new job for Boyd Crowder!  Week in and week out, Justified is one of the best shows on TV, and this week, FX announced a third season renewal.  Yay!

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