The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: The Burn Unit

Mad Men – We’ve been on pins and needles this week over the ongoing Mad Men contract negotiations.  Creator Matt Weiner didn’t have a deal, and the network reportedly wanted shorter episodes, a smaller cast, and product placement.  It’s that “smaller cast” that had us freaking out, as reports had the show losing anywhere from two to six cast members.  But now all is well, as they’ve set up a deal through Season Six, with an option on a seventh season, and the whole cast is returning.  If we had to choose between 90 seconds of content every week or losing Lane Pryce or Harry Crane, we’d be happy to live with a couple of extra commercials.  Sadly, this late start means we won’t get another season until early next year, but that’s not the end of the world.  Heck, back in the days of The Sopranos, we freaked out with joy whenever the gap between seasons was only 18 months long.

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