The Best Shows on TV

The Best TV Shows on TV – TV’s Moments of Joy: The Burn Unit

Lights Out – After all that animation, let’s bring it back to live action for The Lights Out Moment of Despair. This week had a drive-by shooting, which would, in most shows, be the worst thing that happens to somebody in any given episode.  Not here.  Lights’ mother came back into his life, and this was not a good thing.  She’d been absent for a long time, but she showed up at his door after the death of her boyfriend, contrite and seeking a relationship.  His brother and sister both warned him that she was up to no good, but Lights gave her a shot.  And then he found out that her boyfriend was still alive, and the pair was trying to scam him out of his money.  Money that, as regular viewers know, he does not have.  It ended with Lights giving his mother $20,000 (money that he should be putting toward not losing his house) to get out of his life forever.  Did you watch any shows this week that featured an old woman with a black eye, openly weeping on a park bench while clutching her ill-gottten gains?  If not, then you clearly missed Lights Out. The final episode is next week, and we’ll see just how badly the fight with Death Row Reynolds can possibly turn out.

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