The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy — Bob Bobinson Bobert

Onion News Network – See?  This fake news show is very much in the spirit of the satirical newspaper, full of straight-faced absurdity and packed with hilarious captions and infographics.  Our favorite bit, though, is a running joke that’s been developing all season.  The first episode reported on the latest attack on Suri Cruise by time-traveling assassins from the future.  Every episode since has brought updates, including Tom and Katie hiring a cyborg bodyguard and erecting an obelisk to protect their daughter.  One episode even ended with a time traveler breaking into the network feed to warn the viewing audience of the danger Suri poses to the future.  The first time the story appeared, it was funny.  And it’s just getting funnier through repetition.  This is not a show that we expected to have a season-long arc, but we’re loving it.

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