The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Christmas Attack Zone!

Welcome to another Friday!  We’re currently hip-deep in holiday shopping.  Frankly, we may be going a little heavy on the pop-culture themed gifts this week.  In fact, now that we think about it, our grandfather doesn’t even own a DVD player, and if he did, he wouldn’t necessarily enjoy Season One of Sons of Anarchy.  We might have to go back to the drawing board on that one.  But while we’ve been trying to figure out how to determine what size Green Man suit somebody would wear without coming out and asking (and thus spoiling the surprise), we’ve taken the time to assemble another installment of TV’s Moments of Joy.  So what made us happy on TV this week?  Let’s take a look!

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  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention TV’s Moments of Joy – Christmas Attack Zone! | Spunkybean --

  2. This was a great week for Television, no doubt. Never-before-done episodes and great special guests. 🙂 Community gets my vote for best TV episode of the week.

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