The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Christmas Attack Zone!

Conan – While Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks dominated the news this week, Conan O’Brien had a different take on the subject.  Ricky Gervais showed up with his own series of RickyLeaks in which he revealed embarrassing “facts” about Conan.  We learned that Conan has written over 150 letters to Diane Sawyer, he makes his wife wear a Conan mask, and that he sometimes flashes back to being a Vietnamese prostitute.  Man, we love Ricky Gervais.

The Office – No kidding, this week’s hour-long installment was easily the best episode in two years.  We had Toby taking a leave of absence to be a juror in the trial of the Scranton Strangler (a long-running side plot on this series), the return of Holly, Dwight taking a snowball fight much too seriously, Pam at her most loveable, Erin totally not getting what the big deal is about Holly, and so much more.  Everybody brought their A-game, with Jim really being terrified of Dwight’s sneak attacks, and an amazing performance from Craig Robinson, as Darryl almost lost his chance to see his daughter on Christmas.  And not only did Amy Ryan return as Holly, but Heroes’ Jack Coleman made another appearance as Angela’s possibly gay boyfriend and Rob Huebel of Childrens Hospital showed up as Holly’s beau.  This episode really felt like the good old days again.  This is probably setting the stage for Steve Carell’s departure at the end of the season, and this episode brought some really wonderful Michael moments.  If you’ve lost track of The Office, you really need to check out this episode.

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  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention TV’s Moments of Joy – Christmas Attack Zone! | Spunkybean --

  2. This was a great week for Television, no doubt. Never-before-done episodes and great special guests. 🙂 Community gets my vote for best TV episode of the week.

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