The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Dr. Blake Downs, Clown Doctor

True Beauty – This series remained ridiculous, and we still love it. We just want to point out something that we missed last week. When a contestant is eliminated, the janitors come along, take their picture off the wall, and throw it in the trash! You have to admit, that is pretty awesome.

The ESPYs–The show itself is actually pretty stupid and really just another way for ESPN to tell you how awesome they are.  I mean, an awards show for atheletes, whose actual career goal is to WIN STUFF?  C’mon!  But the network did themselves a favor by getting spunkyfave and SNL head writer Seth Myers to host.  His monologue was amazing; even more so when you consider the audience to which he had to deliver the material–a room full of highly-paid atheletes and sports insiders.  Stuart Scott (near the end of the clip) looks, shall we say, non-plussed.  We were most pleased at the boos we heard at the mere mention of LeBron James and Seth’s best line, “Take heart, Cleveland.  Literally every team that has ever won a championship has done it without LeBron James.”

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