The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Elvis Costello Dog

Flight of the Conchords has a little more potential.It wasn’t cancelled by HBO, it was actually a decision by the Conchords to end the series.Of course, they also wanted to end it after the first season.As it stands, everybody involved seems content to move on, but that could always change.It sounds like Bret and Jemaine sort of burned out writing the second season, because not only did they have to write the episodes, but they had to write all new songs, too.Maybe with a little more time, they’ll want to get back in the game – there’s precedent here because Larry David has decided to end Curb Your Enthusiasm a number of times, and he just keeps coming back.My guess is it won’t be anytime soon, but I’m holding out hope.I miss those guys…

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