The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Elvis Costello Dog


Officially, the hosts are Carson Kressley (of Queer Eye) and Beth Ostrosky (from nothing else ever), but Vanessa Minnillo lurks behind the scenes in a command center, evaluating all of the contestants on a bank of monitors.Seriously, the contestants don’t interact with Vanessa.She’s like Oracle on this show, just sending Carson and Beth to do her bidding, like the least effective Birds of Prey ever.It’s fantastic, because the entire thing is so ridiculous, yet everybody involved takes it so seriously.

And of course, one of our favorite things is when nobody involved with a reality show realizes that a challenge is essentially broken.This week, couples getting married in Vegas has to choose two beauties as their best man and bridesmaid, first one to participate in three weddings was safe.But with two male contestants and three female contestants, each man had a one-in-two chance of being picked, versus the women’s one-in-three.The men had a clear advantage, and nobody involved seemed to realize it.It’s a professional product they’re putting out here!All in all, it is a glorious train wreck.

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