The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Happy ValenBirthiversary!

Parks and Recreation – Oh, there was so much great stuff this week.  Tom pitched his cologne to local perfume magnate Dennis Feinstein (played by Jason Mantzoukas from The League), April and Andy learned how a young couple can have a good time without spending money (hint: it involves impersonating a restroom attendant), Ben and Tom had an awesome bonding moment, and Ron Swanson nearly cried.  We love Ron Swanson more than almost anything, but he is never funnier than when he is both angry and hungry.  Still, the best plotline had to be Leslie trying to find out if Chris was cheating on Anne.  Anne couldn’t figure out why she hadn’t heard from him, so Leslie earned her childhood nickname of “Angela Lansbury” by investigating.  (Though she only had the nickname because they had the same haircut.)  In what may be Anne’s greatest moment, she learned that the reason she hadn’t heard from Chris was that he broke up with her a week earlier.  But since Anne has never been dumped and Chris is so relentlessly positive, she didn’t realize what had happened.  And then Leslie tried to cheer her up by talking about all the ways she’s been dumped in the past, which was awesome.  Another excellent episode from a show that has absolutely been on fire.  We’ll just leave you with Ron’s diner order – “Give me all the bacon and eggs you have.  Wait.  I worry that what you just heard was ‘give me a lot of bacon and eggs’.  What I meant was, ‘give me all the bacon and eggs you have’.”

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  1. very good post, . . . thanks for sharing

    greeting from mas raden

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