The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – Happy ValenBirthiversary!

Community – This week, Community was like a live-action episode of The Simpsons.  Not only was it packed with recurring background characters (Leonard, Star Burns, Garrett, and most gloriously, Magnitude all got screen time this week), but there were also so many quick visual gags thanks to Troy and Abed’s reports on the school election.  Covering the hastily thrown-together event for Greendale’s closed circuit channel, they presented infographics of each of the candidates.  Some of our favorites included Pierce’s age, shown as “66, dick”, the fact that Star Burns is Cambodian, and this bit of Annie’s profile:  “ETHNICITY: Hot    HAS BOOBS:  Yes”.  And there was even a screen crawl presenting other headlines, including ‘School Dances Down 200% This Year’, and references to Professor Slater (from the conspiracy episode) and the “Air-Vent Monster” (Troy’s lost monkey).  We also got to see Jeff’s Real World audition tape, and Abed’s strange relationship with a female Secret Service agent who understands him a little too well.  (Dear Dan Harmon:  Please tell us that Special Agent Robin Vohlers will be back.  Please.)

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  1. very good post, . . . thanks for sharing

    greeting from mas raden

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