The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Otev, the Broadway Clam

Project Runway – This is actually a week old, but this show airs too close to our deadline to be included the same week. They had a team competition, and it involved the designers being split into two groups. As it turned out, one of the teams included everybody who’d won a challenge up to this point, and the other, well, didn’t. But then the team of winners just totally imploded and came up with a series of crappy outfits. That was pretty funny in and of itself, but even better was the way the entire team just fell apart in front of the judges. Two-time winner Gretchen basically had a meltdown, insisting that nobody be fired because they tried really hard. And yes, that is the way reality shows work. And then when the various designers were asked to single out the weakest performer, they all picked Michael C. Nothing unusual about that, except as last week’s winner, Michael had immunity. They all picked on the one guy who couldn’t be eliminated, even after the judges reminded them of that immunity, again and again. Tim Gunn actually had to yell at the whole team for being stupid at the end, and Tim is not a guy who yells. This also marked Gretchen’s switch from talented outcast to full-fledged villain.

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