The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy — Savage and Stark

Men of a Certain Age – Last year, to be honest, we were unimpressed with Scott Bakula’s Terry.  Nothing against Bakula, you understand.  And it’s nothing against the writers.  It’s just that a guy who can’t take responsibility for anything and sleeps with a succession of women half his age is not a character we can really connect with.  But now he’s got a sales job at Owen’s car dealership, and he’s not banging his way across the state.  Trying to be a grown-up has made him a heck of a lot more interesting.  This week, one of the commercials he made back in his younger days hit YouTube, and his co-workers wouldn’t let him live it down.  With good reason, since it was an ad for TV dinners so delicious that they transformed Terry into ethnic stereotypes.  The shot of Bakula in a sombrero was one of the funniest things we saw all week.  And this episode has us worried about Joe, as his addictive personality is starting to come out again.  We’re thinking of buying a water cooler just so we can stand around it and talk about this show.

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