The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Set Flavor Levels to Delicious!

Modern Family– This week’s “Unplugged” episode was pretty much perfect.  The three branches of the Pritchett/Dunphy clan each had a separate storyline and they were all hilarious.  Mitch and Cam were trying to get Lily into a pretentious pre-school that Cam likened to Hogwarts, but blew the interview when their diversity status (a gay couple with an adopted minority child) was trumped by a disabled interracial lesbian couple with an African child and Cam decided to do his best Sitting Bull impression.  We learned more about Gloria and her comfort level with killing animals (she killed a rat with a shovel while wearing a tight white dress before heading to church), and Manny and Jay were pretty sure she offed the barking neighbor dog.  She’d actually taken him to a farm (no, really) and gotten a jar of “peekles” for her trouble.  The Dunphys decided to give up technology for a week, and it went as well as you might think.  In the end, Luke lasted about a minute, distracted by YouTube; Alex dropped out after she got a “B”; and Claire was foiled by trying to book plane tickets over the phone.  It came down to Phil and Haley, who “shawshanked” her parents by carving a fake blackberry out of a bar of soap.

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