The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Set Flavor Levels to Delicious!

The League – So, Taco decided to become a Notary Public, even though he wasn’t totally clear on what that meant.  Mystifyingly, the video doesn’t seem to be on YouTube, but you should watch Taco’s commercial on the show’s Facebook page here.  Don’t compromise, notarize!

Eastbound and Down – Every time we think Kenny Powers has hit bottom, he manages to sink even lower.  Still, this week was pretty rough.  In a fantastic bit of self-destruction, Kenny shows up at the game drunk, after being benched for showboating, and wanders out onto the field.  First he gives birth to a soccer ball, and then he tosses the ball into the air and shoots it out of the sky with a revolver.  Finally, he throws the loaded gun into the stands, which is both horrific and hilarious.  (A little girl caught it!)  Danny McBride has made Kenny completely unsympathetic – just an absolute monster.  But somehow he can find just enough humanity to still make you feel bad for the guy.  And we are absolutely shocked at the “Eduardo Sanchez” revelation, which we are not going to spoil here.

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