The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Set Flavor Levels to Delicious!

The Venture Bros. – We’ve already said quite a lot about the episodes that aired over the last two weeks, but seriously, “Assisted Suicide” was absolutely brilliant and heartbreaking.  And “Bright Lights, Dean City” brought us one of the best new characters of 2010.  Yes, to the ranks of Dan Stark, Ida Blankenship, and Chris Trager, we have to add Brick Frog.  The Revenge Society interviewed supervillain applicants to fill out their ranks, and among the more ridiculous candidates was Brick Frog – a guy in a frog suit who carries a sack of bricks to throw at people.  That’s a very specific kind of villainy, to be sure.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Brick Frog made the cut, but we’re holding out hope.  After all, Shore Leave went from being a one-off visual gag to being a recurring cast member, and Billy Quizboy could use an archenemy…

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