The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy – The Teaser Edition

Hey everybody! We know you’ve come to expect a weekly dose of Moments of Joy on Friday, and we hate to disappoint you. However, spunkybean is going to be under construction this weekend. A super cool redesign is coming your way next week, and we hope you’ll like it.

Since we don’t want to get in the crew’s way while they build our new homepage, we’re holding off on Moments of Joy this week. Don’t worry, though – next week, we’ll have two weeks worth of Joy for you. So you can look forward to The Good Guys vs. Machete, Pickles saving the world with his alcoholism, fake ads on the 30 Rock live episode, the KFC flight simulator, Mahsa being awesome, and the sensational character find of 2010 – Brick Frog! In the meantime, please enjoy this video of Grover as the Old Spice guy. See you next week for our new look!

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  1. Love the new site!

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