The Best Shows on TV

TV’s Moments of Joy: Thunder Muscle!

Anyway, this spinoff is proving to be a fine substitute for Famous Original Top Chef, even though host Gail Simmons is no Padma. We’ve particularly been enjoying Crazy-Pants Seth, who recently failed to complete his Quickfire dish on time and collapsed, sobbing “The Red Hots were for my Mommy”. Now, his mother is apparently suffering from health problems, and we wish her the best, but you have to admit, that’s a pretty epic meltdown.

Well, this week, Seth first complained that for an ice cream challenge, they didn’t have to make their own ice cream. In fact, he called it “weaksauce”, which apparently means he’s a commenter on a video game forum in 2007. And he went on about it. Then, he confronted the producers about some paper cups. It was a little hard to follow, but he brought some paper cups and then threw them away. He demanded that the producers replace all of the cups. They explained that they weren’t going to replace things that he he threw away of his own volition. Now, they actually didn’t show the complete fit he pitched, but the other people in the room talked about it. Seth was kicked off the show for his bizarre and abusive behavior. And then came the sirens – he passed out right outside the studio. They said it was an “anxiety attack”, and what that means is that Seth got so mad about paper cups that he forgot to breathe. (Again, he is OK. Please don’t forget that bit.) It’s going to be a long time before somebody tops that particular reality show freak-out. Eastbound and Down – Kenny Powers made his Mexican baseball debut this week, and every single thing about it was amazing. Stevie made his way to Mexico, only to have Kenny shoot hm in the leg. We learned what’s in Kenny’s refrigerator (a live snake and nothing else). And then there was Kenny’s entrance when he came in to pitch. He made his way onto the diamond to the strains of “Real American” with a flag knotted around his neck like a cape. This was jaw-dropping enough, but then he danced, which is always hilarious. Kenny worked his way through just about every obscene hand gesture you can think of, and then spiked the flag. Danny McBride is absolutely killing it every week here – Kenny Powers is a terrible human being, and yet everything he says or does is completely hilarious.

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